Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Milosport video premiere

Our 3rd annual video premiere was last Friday. I must say it was a success. Not only were there a bunch of stoked kids; but a lot of friends from all over the place came out. It is nice to see so many awesome people in 1 room. Another great part about the night was feeling appreciated by the bHappy kids. We raised some money to help them buy a new camera and they were stoked.

As most of you know, video premiere's mean partying. I started off the night feeling pretty sober. Ended the night feeling pretty drunk.

A few other highlights were:
1. Waffles being stalked and assaulted by Keith.
2. Adam absolutely killing it on the microphone. He was on fire.

4. and this photo:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oh how I miss Mario.

Mario Rubalcaba is a drummer who has been in at least 3 of my favorite bands. But before all that, he was a skateboarder. Oh how I want to see him beat the drums again, but i will settle for this. All the way back from 1994...

Here is him playing in Earthless. i am not really an Earthless fan, but holy cow, look at him go!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Black Heart Procession at the Independent

Aska and I headed out to go watch one of my favorite bands last night. We had been looking forward to this show for a long time so we made it work. Some of the highlights for me were Waistland and Heaven and Hell. Some of the older songs like Blue Tears and Your Church is Red were pretty interesting because they played them way more bass driven and it sounded almost country; so that was pretty neat. Another cool thing was that it was Pall's (frontman) birthday. Someone made him a cake and he blew out the candles. All in all, Aska and I had a great time and I am excited for them to come back and play again.

Sundance Rail Jam

For the last 2 years I have been attending Sundance's rail jam in Stockton. In my opinion this is one of the most fun events of the year outside of physically snowboarding. This year was no different.
Aska and I went to Stockton a day early to get some hang out time Paul and Mimi. We had a fun night of drinking wine and watch Mimi trim there dog Yuki's unmentionables. Yep, someones got to do it.
The day of the rail jam kicked off with a great bacon and bagel breakfast. A good breakfast is important on any day where there is going to be mid-day to late night drinking. After breakfast we went to Sundance where I helped the crew shovel snow and set up features.
Once everything was set up, it was time to get this event going. There were 3 heats of 25 skiers and snowboards (really, there was 2 of 25 and 1 of about 40). Judging a contest without any numbered bibs is very hard. Half the time the announcer didn't say what number was going, so Chris, Trey, and I had no clue who was going. This year we were set up on top of a huge Oakley RV, which was also where the party was. That didn't help too much either. Anyhow, I feel like we judged accurately despite having to write on blank paper with beer spilled on it and the inside of ripper 12pack cardboard. Next year I will make sure we have a spread sheet and numbered bibs.
The after party ended up being pretty funny. We had a bunch of free drink tokens. Aska drank some of the worst Vodka Cran's ever; more like Popov and Cran Syrup. The real highlight involved Trey, Thomas, Travis Kennedy and myself in the back ally with 3 doobs. I usually wouldn't go that far with that, but when in rome. TK kept free rhyming and it was hillarious. I don't think the rest of us really got it. He comes from a different breed, but was a pretty nice dude.
All in all, it was a great event and we had a great time.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I was Alan for Halloween. Baby Carlos and I drank a lot of beer. Aska was a pirate. We had some champagne at Adam's Mom's house. Lots of pre-bar beers at Milosport after hours. Then beers and cocktails at the Round Up. After last call, Keith came over and we got a 30 pack right before they stopped selling at 2am. Then we watch the RFTC RIP dvd because it is tradition. Sorry to our neighbors for Keith's loud voice while smoking cigarettes out side. Halloween was fun.

Kids these days are helpless.

I have kids who come into the shop and have us switch trucks from one used board to another used board. Don't kids know how to work a screwdriver? Kids these days are pussies. Also, whats up with kids being into long boarding? Just don't get it here... sheeesh

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sunday the 1st - Wednesday the 4th

The wake up process on the 1st of November is never good. Headache, dehydration, confusion, and the awful taste in the mouth from being too drunk to brush your teeth before passing out. Yep, it was a normal November 1st.
Aska and I sat on the couch all day and didn't do much of anything till about 5pm. My Mom came to pick us up to go get Aska's car that was still parked at Milo from the night before. During this process we got a call from Ben (Waffles) and he told us he was coming down for a night or 2. He got into Town around 9 and we watched some Curb and just hungout.
Monday morning we went to Milo to get paychecks and meet up with Drew. We went to the skatepark for a while which was awesome because I haven't been to a skatepark in about 10 years. Now I want to go a lot more.
After a quick trip picking up Aska from school we went to catch BART to take us to Zachary's for dinner. It was Ben's first BART trip, and he was way too excited for it. The highlight of the night was meeting up with Big Jim at Best Buy. He was 3/4 drunk and buying a new lap top. The Best Buy employees took forever to help him, even though he was raising his hand. Luckily I have a Milo customer whom I know that works there. His name is Patrick and he is pretty helpful with electronics. He cuts the bullshit out of a sales pitch and just tells us what to buy. It makes in much easier. So after an hour Jim has a new computer. To celebrate we went to the liqueur store and bought a Heineken mini keg. We drank it and watched Devil's Rejects. It was an eventful day off.
The next day our good friend Paul came out from Stockton. Paul, Ben and I skated all over town. We went to the thrift shop and got audio cassette tapes. Both Paul's and Aska's cars have cassette decks, so we decided that we are going to listen to tapes on our way to the hill this season. From there we went to Rite Aid and finally to Wing Stop. Between the 3 of us we ate around 40 wings. Damn they were good.
A few hours later Aska came home from showing her Mom St. Mary's, she has been swamped with homework, so Ben and I made her dinner so she could focus on doing what she needed to get done. Ben and I watched Back to the Future 2, Kindergarten Cop, and 3:10 to Yuma.
The Next morning we woke up early and went to breakfast with Aska's mom and my mom. It was pretty fun. Then back to work to start regular days al over again. It was an eventful 3 days. Lots of visitors, eating, skating, movie watching, and some beer drinking too.